
Turnabout's fair play.


  1. ymarsakar11:33 PM


    This is American treason. Much of America's leadership, are in fact just traitors. And Americans somehow got proud of being a democracy... that votes in traitors and leaves them to be successful. How does that work?

    Well, that's the real Deep State historically. The DS is not what the media told you guys. It's not the FBI or even the CIA.

    It's a lot deeper than you can imagine.

    Try this one on for size. the Deep State is the faction that controlled or helped both Nazi Germany and the ALlies in WW2.

    Dun dun dooon. How's that for a kicker?

    That can not be true! That becomes the natural knee jerk reflex, as usual. But then again, Operation Paperclip was Nazi scientists creating tech transfer to USA and generating what Eisenhower called the Military Industrial complex.

    Jet Propulsion Laboratory was started by a sex wizard involved in occult magical rituals, along with his friend L Ron Hubbard of Scientology fame. So NASA is a military organization, started by Nazi scientists imported in bypassing Truman's de Nazification plans, and by JPL.

    Wow. And Americans think they are just dealing with the non traitorous Loyal Opposition? It's like nobody has dug up the truth of their own history. I have gotten mighty good at digging up other people's secrets that they don't want anybody else in the future to know about.

  2. ymarsakar11:36 PM

    Operation High Jump. Operation Dominus. Operation Fishbowl. Operation Paperclip.

    These are all real bonafide, military traditional, events. Defend EUrope 2020.

    And yet, without an analyst to "connect the dots", humanity is left clueless. They cannot see the connections or what it all means. They rely on the media or a Cronkite to force feed them the conclusion that the Tet Offensive means the war is lost...

    Maybe I am just too ornery to believe in any human authority.
