Niche angst

A/k/a, per a commenter, the "exhausting theatre of pretending to be tortured by minor, everyday events." An exquisitely woke rumination from the Guardian: this is apparently what happens to people who don't want to do work they find distasteful and don't want to hire anyone else to do it, either. As another commenter said, "I'm beginning to think that our feminists don't really understand how labor markets work." But then again, who does?


  1. In all fairness to the pseudo-feminist (we have an actual feminist, or several, in our midst, but they are not she), the lack of understanding of "how labor markets work" is due in large part because we don't have labor markets--not in Great Britain, not here.

    Not as long as Government imposes limits on what an individual can sell his labor for.

    Eric Hines

  2. I love David Thompson and his commenters.

    @ E Hines, true, but not. Governments can push and shove and ruin the lives of individuals, families, and institutions in the short run. But the simple laws of market and human interaction are like gravity. One might overrule them for a time, at great cost, but they are natural and inexorable and will have their way in the end. You knew that, but I am just pointing out the refinement for the group.
