Michigan caves

Governor Whitmer saw the elephant, especially after the FDA also saw the elephant and authorized the use of chloroquine to treat COVID-19:
"When used under the conditions described in this authorization, the known and potential benefits of chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate when used to treat COVID-19 outweigh the known and potential risks of such products," FDA Chief Scientist Denise M. Hinton wrote in the approval letter.


  1. Douglas2/Unknown8:48 AM

    Michigan had actually backtracked within a day of their announcement:


    So I suspect that had to do with voices within the state raising objections to the original letter, rather than anything from the feds. But it could be that they saw the fed action coming.

  2. Saw the elephant indeed. It's in Detroit stomping around right now and 'Trump pills" that work beats body bags and 'oops, sorry' later.

  3. I have a local troll who's been hatin' fiercely on the Trump pills from the start. He enjoys posting "sad face" emoticons to any news that someone's going to try to the treatment broadly, or that doses have been donated. His initial response to the Michigan cave was "You still don't understand. OK," quickly deleted and replaced with "Hmmm. OK."

    I understand the concern about a run on supplies, and I understand the concern about drumming up hysteria before more data is in. That's not the impression I'm getting from the most vocal anti-Trump-pillers. I'm getting the impression of fury over the idea that something might work, and it could possibly reflect positively on a despised opponent. I'm more profoundly disgusted than I've been in a while. You can be appropriately skeptical about the shining success of a tentative policy without hoping lots of people will die to prove your point.

  4. "I'm getting the impression of fury over the idea that something might work, and it could possibly reflect positively on a despised opponent. I'm more profoundly disgusted than I've been in a while. You can be appropriately skeptical about the shining success of a tentative policy without hoping lots of people will die to prove your point."

    Indeed. An appalling number of people are so focused on the *political* war that the actual problem at issue...whether it is coronavirus, or terrorism, or avoiding economic catastrophe...is mere background for the political conflict. I just wrote about this topic: America Has an Autoimmune Disease


  5. The question is whether someone wants to solve a problem, or use it.

  6. The question is whether someone wants to solve a problem, or use it.

    If they're using it, it's not a problem; it's a tool. That's why some are so desperate to keep it--whatever "it" is--going.

    Eric Hines
