Manhattan Project, part II

We may not be able to "flatten the curve" fast enough, but we still have time to get serious about expanding the number of beds.


  1. There's no point in building ventilators if we don't have people to operate them, as I said before. Part of this needs to be figuring out how many such people we can reasonably expect to have by the time we'd need them; that will determine the number of ventilators we need. Maybe the guy is right that we can pull everyone out of the universities who has something like the right skillset, and stop teaching students for a year or so. Maybe we can repurpose some of the trainers, and conscript veterinarians or whoever to train on ventilator operation. But even so, as Raven noted, ventilators only save people 50% of the time at most.

    Also, this virus is constantly mutating. SARS and MERS both mutated themselves out of a job, which may happen. But it may also happen that all our heroic efforts to find a vaccine -- which has to be tested for 14 months or so to be sure it doesn't have lethal side effects -- will be wasted because the virus will have mutated after 14 months into something that isn't susceptible to what we invented 14 months earlier. You can waive testing when we know the stuff is broadly non-harmful, but we can't inject most or all of humanity with a new drug unless we know whether the cure will be worse than the disease. (And unlike existing drugs, it'll take months to make enough of the new stuff to inject people with anyway, even if we did waive all testing.)

    Sometimes you can't fix things. I hope, like you, that we'll find a way to treat cases that reduces recovery times and improves outcomes. I don't think we can reasonably hope to reshape our whole economy around beating this one disease. I think, like the old ballad says, that sometimes 'what cannot be cured must be endured.'

  2. Anonymous1:24 PM

    you boomers are shutting down the entire economy because you're afraid of a flu. Seriously, can you boomers kill yourselves? You are the most selfish generation to ever exist. You don't give a shit about climate change, why should we young people give a shit if you get sick and die of some virus? I HOPE the virus gets much stronger and kills you all.

    Do you boomers realize how universally hated you are? There is not one single demographic that does not hate you- white people, black people, asians, mexicans, indians, chinese, millennials, GenX, GenZ. Something tells me that you boomers are not going to have a very comfortable or easy retirement, especially once you end up in the retirement homes.

    Can you baby boomers hurry up and fucking drop dead? Enjoy your retirement homes cause we younger people will not take care of you even if we wanted to, due to the shitty economy you boomers created. Do you boomers realize that the younger generation is simply waiting for you to fucking drop dead?

    You are all going to end up in retirement homes and we all know that the elderly gets treated pretty badly in retirement homes. Well, that's what you get for ruining your own children's lives. Even if your children WANTED to take care of you, they couldn't, due to you boomers destroying the economy. So I hope you enjoy the retirement homes, boomer scum!

  3. raven2:09 PM

    This is great! Possibly the best illustration of entitlement I have ever read. It covers it all! Anger, hatred, assumptions, self pity, blame-shifting, denigration,racism, and on and on. It must be nice to be able to encompass all negative emotion in one word. Better watch out cause the boomers 'll get'cha!
    I am sort of confused though. What about the black, Asian, Mexican, Indian and Samoan Islander boomers. Do they get despised too? Or are only whites boomers? Come to think of it, since we are talking about designation by time frame, is there an exact year, day, hour and minute when one is either a boomer or not? I mean, what if one was born a couple seconds after the official hour? It would suck to miss the hate by 30 seconds. Where would a guy find meaning in life? There is a certain quiet pride in being hated by idiots.
    And we have not even got around to profession yet. Is the carpenter boomer to be despised as well as the banker boomer? What about the (insert drum roll here) Professor at Elite Eastern University boomer. One assumes from the fine screed above there is a certain familiarity with them , as this level of idiocy is normally not a native condition, but must be carefully inculcated.
    This is very confusing. I guess I should have gone to college so as to be enlightened. All those years throwing fish and running a saw and digging ditches and loading lumber and driving nails, somehow has left me privileged. Who woulda thunk it?

  4. I said all that I have to say to this anonymous person the last time. I’ll leave this since Raven responded to it, but it’s in violation of the house rules. From now on these rants will be deleted. Anyone with permissions, feel free to delete if I haven’t gotten to it yet.

  5. Oh, yeah, I didn't even get past "you boomers." I appreciate the truth in advertising.

  6. ymarsakar10:12 PM

    This is must see information on the Invisible War against the Deep State/Cabal.

  7. ymarsakar10:13 PM

    I am polarizing too much towards the light, so they send someone darker to balance things out. That's how it works.

    Usually speaking, the system will balance things in this weird fashion.

    It is the dichotomy. Thesis vs anti thesis.

  8. So you’re claiming responsibility for this?

  9. ymarsakar9:35 AM

    It's how the System works.

    Magnets attract the opposite energy and repel against the same polarity.

    It's why Ymar didn't like Trum and still doesn't, even though Trum is useful against the Leftist alliance, the Deep State Cabal, the pedos, and the Demoncrats.

    Ymar and Trum, for those that don't realize it, utilize too many tactics and reactions that mirror each other.

    I notice any organization, will be given a Test, and this test, in whatever form, then helps that organization polarize more towards Positive (Service to Other mentality) or Negative (Service to Self at the expense of others mentality).

    This is true of conservative gatherings and blogs I have observed or participated in for decades. They call these "trolls".

    The more intel I share with groups of people, the more the potential backlash. If it was just backlash against me, that would make me the thesis vs anti thesis event and the System would be satisfied and I could save my time by doing work elsewhere. But usually and especially in the recent half decade, it is not backlash against me personally. That no longer really works. It is the introduction of a new foreigner to say a blog or facebook group, that stirs up some kind of reaction or trouble. The System can also utilize the reaction of the Regulars to polarize towards Negative or Positive, the Dark or the Light. These are not Christian definitions as tradition has taught people, but more like sci fi, physics based, concepts more similar to Babylon 5.

    This is why over time service to other organizations like feminist groups, are hijacked by Leftists seeking power. As for the actual mechanism, it works much like the Agent Smith thing in the Matrix movie.

    Due to the human nature, human history is full of situations where groups seeking to polarize towards Divine Light, are challenged and tested, and they often fall into Divine Darkness. This is based upon the metaphysics that Divinity is properly composed of two opposing forces: in this sense Darkness + Light=creation.

    But one can easily use a magnet and say that bi polar magnets are the norm, that it must have a positive and negative pole. An electrical circuit can only work with a positive and negative end connected together.

  10. ymarsakar9:44 AM

    As the evil grows in the world, the Deep State is eventually exposed, and the forces of Light or just a Trum, is eager to use the mixed polarities on Earth, to challenge and fight and defeat it.

    As good grows in the world, evil finds a way to transform good to evil.

    Due to my investigation into the Leftist Alliance and the other hidden (Cabals) of this world starting from 2006 to 2007 (when I became convinced there was something serious going on), I came face to face with the realization that evil had already over taken the world. Because it had already over taken America. It secretly ruled or influenced American decisions, which being a hyperpower, meant no other nation could challenge its influence. This was a problem for foreigners but also a more serious proble mfor Americans, who thought they were voting in a democracy or republic for their best interests. No, they were voting in Satan worshippers, child rapists, and power corrupt demons into power. Or rather, the politicians are just puppets and tools of greater darkness.

    One of the benefits of coming to this realization is that if there is such a seemingly invulnerable Cabal of Mafia loot division and organization... then where is the God of Love, where are the forces of light? If darkness and evil is so powerful, then where is its anti thesis? There must be an anti thesis. So I challenged the existence of that potential anti thesis, show me you exist or else.

    When people honestly challenge the Divine by stating such a challenge... interesting things start happening. I do not personally see YHVH or other elohim as beneath me or above me. I see them as equals, spiritual brothers and sisters. This changes the dynamic and relationship a bit.

    People here are rather used to feeling fear if they read Ymar stuff over the years. So some new anon is not going to befuddle their hearts much. Anyone talking to me, I naturally strip their ego, sense of self, and identity politics/traditional sacred cows away from them sooner or later. Some of this is just the natural astrological energies that Trum and Ymar uses. The other part is that it is fun. Still another, is that it is beneficial to self or others. I am sure the new anon is actually here as a challenge/test for themselves too. Now that they have gotten so dark and obsessed with the preachings of fear/dark gods, then this is their chance to see what the Light can bring, and rise up out of the Red vs Blue, Boomer vs Young, dichotomy of thesis vs anti thesis.

    The person responsible is God, or in this sense, all the players and the dungeon master designing the script are responsible all together, because all together they compose one Entity or Universe. The Law of One.
