Fix it so I can go back to sleep

John Hayward nails the irritable irrationality of someone woken from a sound sleep to a threat demanding immediate inconvenient action:
Focused intently on the suddenly urgent, all-consuming crisis thrust before our bleary eyes, we lose our senses of time and proportion. We want an immediate solution to the danger that jolted us awake. We eagerly signal to each other that we're fully awake and engaged now.
But we suspect maybe OTHERS are still asleep, still numb to the real danger, foolishly taking risks and making mistakes that could jeopardize everyone else. Our instinct to raise the general alarm level makes us amplify bad news and get angry at anyone who isn't at Defcon 1.
Few want to discuss proportionality during the fearful days after we are jolted awake. We want to spread the alarm and focus on this new terrible thing to the exclusion of all else. We want it to be over fast. We want to go back to sleep.
* * *
We should learn not to sleep so deeply between red-alert crises. We should demand more focus and less mission creep from the agencies that are supposed to be prepared for them. We should begin reacting judiciously to threats before they cross the horizon.
Most of all, we should learn there are costs and benefits to every action, and to inaction. Rationally balancing them against each other is difficult both in times of apathy and white-hot panic. If we learn to do it better when we're not panicking, we'll panic less often.


  1. Ymar Sakar3:36 PM

    Back in 2007, i figuree out a few things about the leftist alliance. An org that agrees to sharr the loot while honoring a pledge to each other.


    In 2015 i was not freaking out over the end if clinton won or lost.

    In 2020, i again refuse to get on human fear band wagons based on the fear logic, do this or else. Or else what?

    People did not take up the recommendations so now they have to deal with this tineline. Which is fine. The dark will always lose after 2012. But whether humanity has 7 ir 6 or 3 or 1 billion left... that is not up to the divine but to human actions. So act wisely.

  2. Ymar, you keep claiming that you knew everything before and have had it all figured out for years. I have been reading you for years. It's not true.

    Get your own site and let people comment there, and we'll see how long you hold up. Put action behind your claims.

    1. Ymar Sakar5:46 PM

      I have yet to see a single comment of yours in reply to mine, that showed any understanding of my comment or thought processes.

      You cannot even summarize half of my logical points, yet you think you can analyze my psychology. Pretty sure there is an ethical rule about not doing that.

      The last time i responded to your poorly thought out critique, it was not here but on my blog under a pass code. Far as i know you have not read it or responded to it. That shows on your part no interest in dialogue or comprehension. You just have a knee jerk reaction from observing me.

      This knee jerk reaction of yours, you cannot argue about with logic, so you refuse to do it. And naturally, if something makes no sense to you, you have to banish it to where yoi dont have to deal with it psychologically.

      This is why i keep saying people think i am a moron or clown. That is because their negative are so obvious that i would have to be one not to notice.

      Is it you think i donot notice what you are doing or is it you actually believe you know something about me?

      For all thr years you have been telling yourself you have read my comments, the only time you actually engaged in a communication, you got angry cause of your doctor friends. That is it. In all those years, that was the sum total.

  3. To the OP. That behavior is a symptom of Borderline Personality Disorder. That's not a good look for us.

  4. Which behavior? Raising the alarm to Defcon 1, or wishing to go back to sleep? I don't know much about Borderline Personality Disorder.

    1. Ymar Sakar5:54 PM

      Many behaviors are under bpd. That is why they keep changing the diagnosis manuals dsvm.

      Btw, diagnosis online has a few rules about it in pyschiatry.

      That is why it is formed as a passive opinion but even there i would raise the ethical problems.

  5. Ymar Sakar9:53 PM

    I am going to wait until the end of sunday tommorow. If avi keeps up his baseless sniping lacking any justification whatsoever by running off and ignoring his baseless accusations, i am going to pretend i never read a single comment by that name.

    And he can pretend he read and responded to my comments, which he has not.

    Next time someone goess off by talking about how they have been reading my comments, here, my reply will be i dont know them from adam. Unless you talk like a human being instead of assuming you know me because you got some fantasies reading my comments... let s put it this way.

    Lets imagine i have been reading uncle jimbo at b5 for years. I never bothered to talk to him or reply to his comments, but i state i know jimbo ia not doing his job.

    Thats the human toxicity i refuse to deal with. You can either change and repent, avi, or i will forget you exist. For that, thx for trying but i dont pay attention to control attempta from unknown humans. I dont even pay attention to satanic control efforts let alone weaker ones.

  6. Easy, Ymar. Half the time you write as if you were a demigod. Hell, maybe you are; I haven't met you. But you can hardly blame a guy who works in the field for thinking that implies some probable instability. He's not trying to hurt you by suggesting it. He's trying to draw your attention to it so you can think about it, and help yourself if you need to do. If you really are a demigod, you have little to fear from the suggestion.

    Anyway, you know the rules of the Hall. I require that everyone be nice to each other. We fight ideas here, not each other.

  7. We thank you for steering us back to our better selves, sir. It's certainly one of the things that makes the Hall a real respite from the rest of this crazy world, even as we might talk of it.

  8. Oh, and thanks for that, Tex- excellent thread.

  9. ymarsakar10:15 AM

    But you can hardly blame a guy who works in the field for thinking that implies some probable instability.

    If someone wants to argue with me about my probable instability, as you have done in the past, Grim, they are free to do so. In fact, if they are as long an associate as they say they are, they already would know some of the arguments in question.

    But those that refuse to engage while claiming certainty, are hiding for a reason. There is no reason for a psychiatrist working at a psychiatric institution, to hide from this issue that is their specialty. Nor do they have to pay attention to it, but it is their decision to do so, not mine.

    This society is built upon free expression but not just that, free debate and arguments. There is no faction nor ideology in this Western society and civilization, that does not go uncountered by a counter argument. Are politicians supposed to make a claim and then hide from every counter claim in existence and to pretend that it never existed? If they seek power, they need to fight for it.

    For those that seek to control and manipulate my path, it will not be as easy as they were told. They are going to have to put a little bit more into it than just some one liners on some internet text portal.

    He's not trying to hurt you by suggesting it.

    I know what he is trying to do, better than you have, especially as you have not engaged him on this issue in the past while I have.

    Anyway, you know the rules of the Hall. I require that everyone be nice to each other. We fight ideas here, not each other.

    You have already read my Words. They bind me stronger than any other. It will be as it has been said to be.

    It will be as if I had never known them. Which in truth, is not that difficult, as I know my enemies, rivals, opponents, detractors, allies, and fellow spiritual brothers and sisters. Those that sit on the fence and snipe on both sides, are less well known by far. The time is up by 3 witnesses or more and time stamped.

  10. ymarsakar10:20 AM

    Also, if you want to talk about my claims, it would be useful to make use of the same words I use. If you attempt to look up Ymarsakar + demigod, I doubt you will find one instance of its use pertaining to myself, in 5 years. Certainly google does not remember it at all.

    Those that do not understand, should admit they do not understand. The more you criticize and attack others, the more your lack of comprehension shows. The point of self discipline is to first fix and know yourself, as Sun Tzu's Art of War recommended.

    People here do not often claim that they know me. There's 1 or 2 perhaps, although most have figured out by now their social impressions are not quite workable by now. But it takes some years.
