Did I mention bad regulation?

Nevada's governor has decided it's best if his state doesn't try chloroquine. No need to let doctors have any discretion. Three guesses which party.


  1. 1)The Jackass Party
    2)The dumass party
    3)Nancy, Joe and Chucky's Party

    But then I repeat myself

  2. Two drugs will be restricted from prescription distribution if a patient is diagnosed with COVID-19, according to his office: chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine.

    I understand wanting to be sure the patients who need these drugs to manage other illnesses can get what they need but this puts doctors in quite a bind. Fail to treat with something that might help? Lie about the diagnosis to get the drugs? Suggest the patient's family look for a black market in the drugs? Try to transfer the patient to another state? If I lived in Nevada and thought I had COVID-19, I'd do my best to get to another State before seeking medical attention.

    It will be interesting to see what happens to Gov. Sisolak if these drugs prove effective and some Nevadans die from COVID-19.

  3. ymarsakar1:25 PM

    Isn't there like a Reid in Nevada? BLM didn't shoot up his farm I guess.

    What goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas. If you need chlr, then you have to go outside Vegas?

  4. It will be interesting to see what happens to Gov. Sisolak if these drugs prove effective and some Nevadans die from COVID-19.

    It'll be instructive as well as interesting to see what Sisolak does with his EO if he gets diagnosed with the Wuhan Virus.

    Eric Hines

  5. Oh, yeah, that would be interesting.
