Crisis envy

If we can shut down the world to stop a virus, how come the public won't accept plans to cripple the global economy in service of climate alarmism? I'm just spitballing here, but it's possible a lot of people genuinely believe in the danger of a contagious, sometimes fatal disease, and aren't just virtue-signaling about a trendy hypothetical threat. Even in the case of the virus, there are those inconvenient people who insist on continually checking our assumptions against facts on the ground, kvetching about shoddy models, and thinking about cost-benefit trade-offs.

1 comment:

  1. I think we are going to be hearing this for a long time. We've already proven that we can act dramatically if we Really Want To. Why do we lack the political will to do the same for hamster empowerment?

    I think your prediction that the climate alarmists will be at the top of that list is sound.
