
Did the press really just melt down because a guy who converted his factory to mask-making read from the Bible?  Talk about purity obsessions.

As Ben Shapiro said, “If you’re angry at the guy shifting over his factory to produce 50,000 facemasks a day for medical professionals, you’re doing being human wrong.”


  1. I figured the criticism was out of line anyhow but after watching the clip, wow, it's really out of line.

    Something interesting that got lost in all the noise was Mr. Lindell's statement that his company was spinning up a task force to look at how to negotiate the economic challenges post-COVID-19 and was going to make that expertise available to other companies. Seems like another worthwhile endeavor although not as pressing as the need for face masks.

    I know where I'm buying my new pillows.

  2. As I’ve seen mentioned, all the churches and synagogues are closed; abortion clinics are still open.

  3. ymarsakar8:13 AM

    This pillow guy has really comprehended the Service to Other teaching of Yehoshua.

    He'll be graduating soon.

    The rest of humanity, like the main sewer media? Eh... they probably gonna be held back and have to repeat the cycle a few million times.
