Because It's An Emergency

You know, when you put it this way, it does seem like an odd approach....


  1. ymarsakar1:27 PM

    The Leftist alliance, the Cabal, the Deep State (both or all factions), are expending everything they have in this End Game.

    What you see... is what they have been holding back. But now there is no reason to hold back, because this is End Game. There will be no second chances.

    Humanity will witness the exposure of things that have been kept secrets for hundreds if not thousands of years.

  2. Nah, I don't feel like it. It's a beautiful spring day. Cosmic end games will have to wait until it isn't such a nice day to ride.

  3. ymarsakar6:59 PM

    That's not that difficult. The Divine Counsel has Watched and monitored events here for longer than just a few thousand years. What's a few more days.

    Watch for April 1-6 though. The conjunction is on the 5th.
