An Advertisement for a Friend in Need

I don't do commercials here as a rule, but I'm making an exception for a friend whose small business had a misfortune not at all his fault.

As I've mentioned, one of the things I do for fun is Strongman competitions in a fully amateur, very minor way (and in the Masters Division, where 'Master' is a courteous euphemism for "too old" rather than meaning "great"). One of the places that hosts great competitions is Norse Fitness in Charlotte, NC. The host, Andy, is a great guy and has built a business around strength training and gear that supports his family (including a beautiful young daughter). Andy was going to go to the Arnold this year, one of the three biggest events in strength sports, but the trade show there was canceled due to the Coronavirus, and spectators forbidden.

Unfortunately, Andy bought a bunch of merchandise to take to sell; the Arnold organizers made the decision so late that he, and many others, are also too late to get refunds on their plane tickets, Air B&B reservations, and so on. So he's having a big 30% off sale on everything in his store.

The sale code is CORONA30. I've bought plenty of his gear in the past, and it's all of excellent quality. In addition, he has lots of Norse- and Viking-themed t-shirts and such, of the sort appropriate for Strongman competitors to wear while lifting giant objects Conan-style.


  1. Well, looks like the sale is working- several items are already sold out, so that's good.

  2. I hope he does OK. Andy's a good guy who's really working hard.

  3. Thanks for the tip. I bought a shirt. Very cool.

  4. Thanks, Joel. I appreciate you looking out for him. Glad you liked it.

  5. I bought a shirt for my brother for his birthday - months early but I think he'll really like it. And something for myself cause I liked the color of the design. Thanks for the tip, Grim.

  6. I’m only happy to hear it was useful to you. Thanks for looking out.

  7. Ymar Sakar9:07 PM

    When jupitern enters capricorn he will be okay. Have not checked how many months that woukd be. Right now capricorn is ennergy focused through pluto and saturn.
