A Glorious Romp

Andy McCarthy on the Mueller debacle.


  1. Anonymous12:30 AM

    you boomers are shutting down the entire economy because you're afraid of a flu. Seriously, can you boomers kill yourselves? You are the most selfish generation to ever exist. You don't give a shit about climate change, why should we young people give a shit if you get sick and die of some virus? I HOPE the virus gets much stronger and kills you all.

  2. My father was a Boomer. He died in 2016. At his funeral the Fire Department he long served as a Captain brought out their ladder trucks, crossed the ladders and rang their bells. The US Army, which he served in the Vietnam era as a drill sergeant, folded a flag for his widow, my mother. There was a rifle salute, taps, and a bagpiper who played Amazing Grace. More than one preacher spoke, because all of them couldn't bear the thought of not doing so.

    No one asked any of them to do any of that. They did it for him freely, to honor his sacrifices, his service, and his friendship.

    He was the best man I ever knew, and the world is poorer without him.

  3. ymarsakar8:57 AM

    Technically, it is not Trum or the older generations doing anything. THis is a manifestation of Divine Will.

    It is why many of the rich and elite, are somehow disappearing. Will they ever come back? Maybe, like Epstein.

  4. Antonymous, this Boomer is burning trees in his wood burning stove and charcoal-broiling his meat on his outdoor BBQ in your name.

    Eric Hines

  5. I'm Gen X so I really don't have a dog in this fight but anonym-ass, if sitting on your butt in your house is a hardship, go find some of your cohort that suited up after 9/11 and went into the danger zones so you get a clue about what real hardship is.

    F'n snowflakes.
