Thor's Praise

Just yesterday Kirk Douglas died at 103 years old.

They were just as set on the Vikings in his era; and in the era before his. Sir Walter Scott wrote a poem that opens with a celebration of Viking rapine, although what the poem is about is the conversion of the hero to Christianity.
Woe to the realms where he coasted, for there
Was shedding of blood and rending of hair,
Rape of maiden, slaughter of priest,
Gathering of ravens and wolves to the feast!
When he hoisted his standard black
Before him was battle, behind him was wrack!
They fought big wars in the last century, and joyous ones in the century before. The Viking thing isn't new; what's new is the loss of faith in what were long thought to be timeless truths.


  1. raven3:56 PM

    One assumes you are laying in bed with one hand on a mead-horn and the other on your axe.

  2. Here I thought I’d put tape over all the computer cameras.

  3. Drones, man, drones.

    Eric Hines

  4. No matter how bad it gets, we won't drown you in the tub, but rather bring you out and strap you in the long ship to die in battle so your journey to Valhalla will not be impeded.

    Just a friendly reassurance.

  5. That’s very good of you. It’s nice to have people looking out for you like that.
