“The Western” in Saudi Arabia

Good gracious.

It reminds me of this old post, except the Saudis are less obvious about using us as fertility gods. Less obvious: note all the women are unveiled.

UPDATE: Per Douglas in the comments, this event was actually held in Bahrain.


  1. Turns out it's Bahrain. They get away with a lot more there, but the observation still holds. It's like a "fans of the village people cowboy" convention.

  2. Ah, my mistake.

  3. Really, it was the original tweeters mistake- I just got there late enough to see the correction he posted.

  4. ymarsakar7:49 AM

    This don't sound like Saudis. They keep their Western stuff a lot better hidden.

    It does sound like the UAE though, the one with the "futuristic" city that invited Neil and others to speak to them about how to Westernize.

  5. ymarsakar7:53 AM

    Dubai and the deal Bush II had with them for porting, was also the reason why he got pissed.

    It's because on a personal level, Bush II saw Dubai peeps as different. Perhaps he recognized fellow Westerners.

    But Dubai is not "Western". What they are is a sea trading culture. They were generally the first or second route of the Silk Road, from India. They make their strength from trade and cultural appropriation.

    This is a little bit different from Saudi Arabia, which got its legacy from raiding caravans, Arabic power groups, and Islam. That's because to Dubai, Islam did not come from the East of India. What came from India was Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism. These ideas, while not converting the region, did have its impact over thousands of years.

    As for people who think I don't know what I am talking about because they can't find this stuff in their history books and online course materials... that is because I don't use history books. I prefer primary sources and original inferences and (intel) analysis methods.
