
In addition to the bike, I also have a Jeep for those times when the roads are impassable or I just need too much stuff. I’ve had it in my garage for some minor repairs lately, which kept it out of the downpour we had all last week. Today was beautiful—sunny and forty degrees—so I took some time to put it back together and clean it up.

I figured I had better get a picture so the wife would believe that I had actually gotten it clean. With all the mud we’ve got right now it’ll be filthy the next time I drive it.


  1. Nice.

    Also a fan of the nice wraparound porch and half basement garage.

  2. The man who built this house was a craftsman. I am deeply indebted to him for the care that he took with the place. I often reflect on how fortunate we were to find this particular home.
