Second Chance: Guess the Line of Business

I'm going to post the answer tomorrow, but I'll wait until late to make sure everyone who wants to has a chance to try. If you understand the kind of neighborhood, the answer ends up being very obvious. A further clue: it's not any of the types of businesses mentioned in the post, neither there nor in West Asheville.


  1. I'd guess a book store, but I feel that's likely wrong.

  2. I can see why you would say that. It has a kind of H. P. Lovecraft feel, that sigil. And in fact there is a used bookstore on the block as well, so it’s the right kind of neighborhood for that. But no.

  3. Yes, I would have guessed an occult book store. But I guess not.

    Temple of Cthulhu?

    Guitar shop?

    Pub / brewery?
