Public/Private Partnership

South Bend has one.
La Casa in December 2016 began issuing the community resident card, branded as “SB ID,” to undocumented immigrants to help them conduct routine daily activities, such as picking up children from school or day care, providing identification to police, obtaining college transcripts, library cards and prescriptions, and clearing background checks needed to volunteer at schools....

...the request for a South Bend card first came to Common Council members from parishioners at St. Adalbert Catholic Church. Buttigieg embraced the idea and the council approved $18,000 in the 2016 city budget to pay for the program.
But by the end of 2016, the city’s legal team had decided that cardholders’ identities might be disclosable under Indiana’s Access to Public Records Act if the city, a public entity, issued the cards, so La Casa agreed to do it instead, Centellas said.

“The program is run, operated and maintained by La Casa, so the data is all ours and there’s been no government dollars used in this,” Centellas said.
It’s like hosting otherwise official emails on a private server.


  1. It's also akin to certain cartels' ID activities.

    What could go wrong with so...innocent...a plan?

    It also might be instructive that the church of the requestors isn't the organization that decided to take up the task in place of the government.

    Eric Hines

  2. I understand why this kind of private provision of ID documents happens in places like Syria, where the government has collapsed and documents are still nevertheless needed for various purposes. I can understand why international governments might even accept such documents as valid, in preference to having no documentation at all.

    Well, actually, I understand perfectly well why South Bend is doing this too. It's a municipal conspiracy to get around Federal laws on immigration, as well as state laws on public records.

    "Rule of law! Rule of law! No one is above the law!" they chant every night when trying to take out a President they hate, but this is how they treat the rule of law when it's in their way.
