Now That's Socialism!

Real Headline: "Rep. Ilhan Omar promotes call for GI Bill to apply to all Americans."

No limits on redistribution, apparently.


  1. I literally cannot write anything coherent about this idea. To call her a fool and an ignoramus is an insult to fools and ignoramuses the world over.

  2. An Air Force lady I know said, "Do I have to explain everything? It does apply to all Americans. You just have to do the work."

    Well, not quite all; some are disqualified from service for medical reasons they can't overcome. But most of the disqualifications from service are from things they could overcome, like needing to finish high school or a GED, or needing to lose weight and get into better shape; or things they could have avoided, like felony convictions.

  3. Heck, yeah! Who says people who put their lives on the line and give up years of their lives in selfless services should get better perks than I do? Who do they think they are, heroes?
