
“We monitor many frequencies. We listen always. Came a voice, out of the babel of tongues, speaking to us. It played us a mighty dub.”
In the story it was an AI. It's not hard to see how an AI could be optimized for something like this.


  1. I loved that book.

    Come to think of it, Molly was an early example of the Strong Female Lead, genetically altered to be practically invulnerable.

  2. She was in a way. She turns back up in the third book, under the name Sally Sheers. (Although she wasn’t quite invulnerable; the ninja almost killed her, and definitely beat her).

    I think maybe it’s the ubiquitousness that irritates me more than the archetype itself. ‘Oh, in this story too the woman is a super spy assassin warrior queen who can stylishly whip everything and everyone in sight? And all the commentary is either about what a badass she is, or else just setups so she can humiliate the non-worshipper?’ At this point I’ll just turn off a movie at the first sign of that, because I already know the rest of the plot without the bother of watching.

  3. Actually now that I think about it she got badly beat up on the run to steal the software with the... was it Panther Moderns? So she was a lot more realistically vulnerable in spite of her hardware.

  4. >fingernail sliding out silently<

    I am just now re-reading "The Peripheral" in preparation of reading his newly arrived, brand new "Agency", which I didn't realize had been released. One of my very favorite modern authors.
