"My Own Private Denmark"

PowerLine discusses in some detail today a theme that Assistant Village Idiot has often raised:  Socialist and socialist-leaning Americans appear to have in mind an image of Scandinavian socialism that was tried, and then abandoned, some decades ago, when its ruinous effects on prosperity and job-creation were observed.

As Ace says, we continue to judge socialism by its intentions but capitalism by its results.  Meanwhile, other countries try the grand experiment, while we avert our eyes from its effects, preferring to take a walk down memory/fantasy lane.


  1. School choice is very big in Sweden, for example; Denmark is very strict in insisting on assimilation of immigrants now, and Finland basically just no longer accepts any.

    As in many places, the urban/rural divide is strong in Scandinavia.

  2. We the Internet TV on YouTube just had an amusing video about this very thing.

