Homeric Hometowns

Now this is a pretty cool map.


  1. Very cool. My husband is re-reading Ilium by Dan Simmons so I passed it along to him. Thanks.

  2. "I’ve gotten lots of feedback saying that not every character is represented in this map (particularly the women) and that some of the locations and hometowns are incorrect. Seems like Wikipedia might need to take a second look at it."

    Um, yeah... I see it missing several characters off the top of my head, and not minor ones either. Tell me how you can make coherent sense out of the Iliad without Helen, Paris, and Priam? I mean, sure, you can leave out Cassandra and Breseis and not change TOO much, but come ON! The KING of Troy? The two who started the whole war? They're no mere "secondary characters".

  3. The method was to pull off the list of who came in which ship. None of the Trojans would be on that list. On the other hand, the hometown for all the Trojans is Troy.

  4. Hector is on the list, why Priam and Paris should not be is beyond me.
