
Like many people, I'm keeping an eye on the Wu Flu news.  It's not a nice bug, but so far it's not looking like a truly horrible one.  Here is a fairly dispassionate report.  The spread has been showing an extremely stable pattern of doubling the reported cases every 48 hours like clockwork.  The mortality rate looks close to 2%, scary but not utterly shocking, especially when you consider that it's a rate applicable only to cases severe enough to warrant going to a doctor.  There is good reason to think that's the tip of the iceberg, with most cases appearing in such a mild form that people simply experience cold symptoms or perhaps no symptoms at all.  Nor is the transmission rate particularly amazing:  far less than measles, for instance.  We're not, in other words, looking at an epidemic that will kill 2% of the world's population.

Still, it's a nasty bug, particularly for people with pre-existing conditions and those in countries with inadequate heroic medical intervention in case of respiratory collapse.


  1. ymarsakar7:38 AM

    Haha. This stuff was rather expected given the celestial alignment of Pluto.

    And history repeats itself.

    I wonder what they will think in a few years, when the crazy becomes the normal.

  2. ymarsakar7:43 AM

    But people think this whatever C virus is a bio weapon designed by whatever..., that is the new human "normal" I suppose that is "not crazy".

    Ok, let's go with that. If it is a bio weapon virus, why was it released in Wuhan? Mistake ya think? Hah.

    Let's think about it from the human stupid viewpoint.

    The Deep State is a powerful faction, composed of the Cabal, American loyalists, and so forth. Right now they are in a civil war, trying to wipe each other out. They cannot bring the war into the open because of "reasons".

    The Cabal wants to get rid of Trum because Trum is working for the Alliance in clearing out pedos and other Cabal elements.

    So, the Cabal has attempted more than once to try to get America involved in a war, in order to help "impeach" Trum.

    If so, then... why not release a weaponized virus in China and give the information to the Chinese that this weapon was created by Americans. Which, after all, would be true, but only part of the truth, as the Cabal is based in America partially.

    Has China accepted American offers of help to study the virus? They have rejected it. Do they know something that they are afraid to release?

    On the other hand, another intel analyst viewpoint is that this is a Chinese weaponized virus. Which will be useful for Hong Kong and other Anti Maoists to finally break down the REgime.

    This is "normal" conspiracy land stuff, paranoia, and fear based Plato's Cave shenanigans. The Normal look at me and think I am either stupid or crazy.

    People have forgotten that human wisdom is foolishness to the Most High.

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Alas for the Chinese, an H5N1 avian flu has been reported as well, afflicting domestic ducks and chickens. Those poor people just can't buy a break this year. I hope it is not as serious as the swine disease was last year.


  4. ..and this, after a devastating epidemic of swine disease has wiped out a good portion of their pork livestock as well. I wonder if the avian flu is bad enough, if food supply shortages will begin to assert themselves? Starting to look a little like the Old Testament....

  5. A cynic might wonder whether this is a way to deal with a rapidly approaching demographic disaster by reducing the size of the aging to-be-supported population relative to the too small and shrinking working population who will be the ones doing the support.

    Eric Hines

  6. I have read claims -- which I am not technically capable of evaluating -- that the virus in question is structured in such a way as to be especially likely to take root in people with genetics most typical in Asian people. If that's true, it raises the probability of two different and opposing theses:

    1) It's more likely natural, since successful evolution in Asia would tend to imply natural selection for structures that made success more likely given locally-available hosts' genetics.

    2) If it is a bioweapon, it was one that was intended by the PRC for use against its own people. That could be for the reason you speculate about, Eric, or it could have been a fail safe weapon against the PRC being someday overthrown by a popular revolution.

    Now if it was most other governments, I would not take seriously (2). But the Chinese Communists I do believe would engage in research like (2); they were subject to similar germ warfare themselves at the hands of the Japanese during WWII, and they have proven utterly ruthless since then. Indeed, it's of a piece with Mao's concept of nuclear war fighting, i.e., that it would be OK to fight a nuclear war because there were so many Chinese compared to Americans or Europeans that they'd surely eventually come out on top in the ruins.

  7. It's just another damned virus. Nothing more sinister than that. Why should be be surprised that it's lethal to the old and infirm? Why should we be surprised that it spreads rapidly among a dense population in a region where modern medical care is lacking? Why should we be surprised that it spread rapidly to other countries when the modern age dictates that barring some man-made barrier, no natural barriers really exist to slow the spread of disease? Especially one that mimics flu-like symptoms during flu season?

    Frankly, the apocalyptic predictions that surround this thing are as overwrought as the ones that surrounded SARS (which also turned out to be a big nothingburger). "SARS WILL KILL US ALL!!!" When this disease manages to kill more people a day than salmonella, then maybe I'll get concerned.

    1. Ymar Sakar2:59 PM

      More intel is required. Highly contagious, active spread during incubation, and high fatality, plus genetic sequence targeting would imply bio design weapon.

      Either way, i will watch humanity s response.

      It is hilarious that people think i am crazy, while they treat cabal fear as normal.

      Half or fully baked by one here.

      Clown by another s intent.

      Before trum was elected.

  8. 2) If it is a bioweapon, it was one that was intended by the PRC for use against its own people.

    If my idle speculation is accurate--which I do not support; nor do I support the thesis of a self-directed bioweapon: not even Mao, I think, was so suicidal that he would have said nobody lives if they don't live under me--then there'd be no need of targeting it against Asians in particular. It would just be a plussed up virus, which by their nature and the nature of aging humans, would target the aging more than the younger. The PRC's government won't care whether it also would attack the aging globally, Xi and his cronies are concerned only with his own nation's demography.

    And if my idle speculation is accurate, the attempt seems a miserable failure: JH's CSSE data may be beginning to suggest that the problem is peaking. Other accumulating data are suggesting that the mortality rate is in the neighborhood of 2%--akin to "ordinary" flu.

    Eric Hines
