Flushing out political operatives

Roger Stone is not a nice man, so I'm not spending a lot of time weeping over his fate.  Still, I don't like seeing political vindictiveness in a criminal prosecution.  If his prosecutors were political operatives, which is what it looks like to me, I rejoice that they're quitting in a mass huff.


  1. Yeah, I have no love for Stone; but 9 years for a nonviolent crime is quite an ask. I realize that he has Nixon tattooed on his back, though, so perhaps he metaphysically called down some of the punishment Nixon escaped.

    Still, DOJ review of that sentence recommendation seems plausible to me. If that hurt their feelings, well, bye.

  2. Now that they're private citizens, maybe they could answer a few questions about the Mueller investigation, just to see if they commit perjury.

  3. The rest of the story: Jesse Liu, former USAttorney/DC, is the one who supervised the Flouncing Four. But she resigned that spot and Barr sent in one of his own staffers. The Flouncing Four lied to Barr's man about their sentence recc'dation, so of course, it was rescinded by Barr's man. That set up their moment for the cameras.

    Meantime, Liu's nomination to some-damn-thing was rescinded by Trump because it became clear that she was a slimebucket, lying, seditionist.

    This is getting to be a lot of fun!!

  4. Now we have the requisite excuse for another special prosecutor to investigate and tee up Impeachment Part Deux....

  5. It's all looking pretty choreographed, with the easily-detectable lie and the predictable response from DOJ higher-ups, followed by the four rapid resignations. On cue, Pelosi is howling about a massacre.


  6. I've been assuming that they'd try another impeachment, but then I keep doubting it and asking myself, would they really risk worsening what will already (I hope) be a terrible retribution in November?

  7. The impeachment never has been about impeachment, but wholly about smearing the President and prejudicing the 2020 election. In that light, you bet they'll keep the thing going.

    Nadler and Pelosi are getting downright hysterical over the matter and their lack of progress. Rationality no longer is a factor here.

    Eric Hines
