A Ridiculous Overreaction?

The Chinese authorities continue to treat the virus as a serious problem:
...when we got to Starbucks, the employees wouldn’t let us in. Instead, we were told to order our drinks through the Starbucks app from outside the store. While we waited for our lattes, the employees took our temperatures and recorded our information at the door....

The following week the restrictions grew tighter and it wasn’t as easy for us to get out of our neighborhood.... Then roadblocks went up on main thoroughfares....

Then walls were put up. They were on all the side streets of our neighborhood, blocking every way out except for two main entrances.... At about the same time the walls were put up, a curfew was imposed: no one in or out from midnight to 6 a.m....

Then a few days ago, everyone in the neighborhood had to register with a local committee and get a special pass that we now must show to get into our neighborhood. If you don’t have a pass, you cannot get in....

Everything we read and hear maintains that the virus is not an imminent threat to us. Relative to the millions of people in our city, a tiny number of people have gotten sick; far fewer have died. But our effort to be rational about the threat does not really help. The scale of the response seems like an overreaction — or it suggests that things are much worse than we are being told. We have a lot of time on our hands to wonder which it is.


  1. Then walls were put up. They were on all the side streets of our neighborhood, blocking every way out except for two main entrances....

    A propos that it begins to look like mitochondria in city-cells.

    Or maybe it's just me.

    Eric Hines

  2. A) It is almost certainly worse than they are being told.
    B) Those poor people are royally screwed. They can't flee, and sitting there waiting to get sick is their only option.

  3. raven3:36 PM

    Have you seen the cell phone video out of china? Residential units with a metal bar across the door, and diagonal brace from that bar to another screwed into the concrete apron outside the doors.

    They announced they were building 30 more "hospitals" in Wuhan,in addition to the ones they already added. Something tells me most of the people in lockdown in their homes are already dead or starving.

    IMO, the Chinese gov knows damned well they screwed the pooch at the Wuhan bio-level 4 "research" facility and are running around in desperation. There is no way their actions can be reconciled with their words.

    Iran and Italy the latest hit.

    Trent at Chicago Boyz has some updated info on this which is enough to make me divest conventional investments and start a collection of fine and rare Scotch whiskeys. And I don't even drink whiskey. Yet.

  4. Ymar Sakar5:03 PM

    This is some kind of andromeda straim zombie apoc plot right?

    Hard to tell with human shenanigans

  5. Ymar Sakar8:22 PM

    Raven, one last dip buy upswing on monday. By tuesday, pluto will officially be in capricorn. I expect the world govs to shut down. Which means markets will likely crash sooner than later. Then go back up. Depends if trum is involved.

  6. I think the last I heard, the incubation period may be 28 days, or was it 37. It keeps going up, is all I know, and in large increments, which suggest it's probably already all over the place waiting to bloom. I think now that it will achieve pandemic status. I'm not sure just how severe it will be because they seem to keep finding that it must be mild in many people as they can't find sources for some of the hotspots that have cropped up (like Iran).

    1. It may be that everyone on earth will get it, but some large percentage will never even notice. It could also be that we develop better practices as we observe the cases. But containment has probably failed.

  7. ymarsakar8:38 AM

    If humans had actually mastered virology the way doctors and their patients seem to think... this wouldn't be an issue given the number of weeks they have had to "cure" it.

    Virology is not quite at the level that people think it is.

    Also, engineering a virus is not all that difficult. People were trying to pass along curses/plagues in the past using magic and whatever associated item people had. They still do actually. Same concept. People piggyback an unknown vector method and say they are now the engineers of it.

    An engineer can actually put back the radio he disassembled. In exactly the state it was before it was disassembled. But doctors and human modern medicine, lacks that mastery over biological cells because... they are not the Creators.

  8. ymarsakar11:16 PM

    It's a good thing Trum was hammering on China's economy for so long. Without it, the markets would already have crashed by 30% by the end of Feb.

    Then again, it gets suspicious of Trum's Deep State faction of American patriotic loyalists were involved.

    There's a reason why the Chinese think America was involved in the release.

    This is the "final weapon" in shutting down a rival's economy.
