A New Quarantine

Wuhan is under a radical sort of quarantine, one in which only one resident per household may leave the house -- and that only every two days, and that only if masked. Roads are closed, public places are largely closed as well.

That's intense, but it's not a new approach. What's new is the digital aspect: if you're from Wuhan, your IDs and payment methods will no longer allow you to function anywhere else. China has flagged those IDs and issued orders to deny them service outside Wuhan. You have to go home even if you got out before, or you can't live because you can't buy things or rent hotels. You cannot buy gas to travel, you cannot go to a hospital outside of Wuhan if you develop the illness.

This is a good reason to keep cash on hand, in spite of the convenience of payment cards. The United States government won't do this to you -- today. But it could.


  1. You cannot buy gas to travel, you cannot go to a hospital outside of Wuhan if you develop the illness.

    This strikes me as a completely self-destructive method to deal with a virus. If you suspect someone from Wuhan has the virus, how does preventing them from traveling (even traveling back to Wuhan) help contain it? And if someone is outside Wuhan and actually IS ill with this, how does prohibiting them from getting medical treatment keep the rest of the population where the ill person currently is safe? Sounds to me a perfect recipe for stranding a carrier of the disease in whatever city they happen to currently be in, with no way to get back home, and with no way to get help outside of Wuhan. I suppose the PRC presumes the infected will cheerfully throw themselves in the nearest medical grade incinerator to contain the infection?

  2. Ymar Sakar2:46 PM

    Westerners now use the ratio of total comments to likea, to judge a person s quality. Conservatives dont seem to realize that they are using maoist social credit.

  3. Ymar Sakar3:24 PM

    Scientific Puzzles Surrounding the Wuhan Novel Coronavirus https://www.theepochtimes.com/scientific-puzzles-surrounding-the-wuhan-novel-coronavirus_3225405.html

    Virology data dump

    Humanity has yet to fix or cure these diseases. Virology has hit a block much like classical physics

  4. Knowing how seriously the Chinese take their gambling, when I heard that they were shutting down the casinos in Macau (six times the revenue of Vegas, by the way), I started thinking maybe this was a bigger problem than they've been letting on...
