Your Vote is Unconstitutional

Originally I posted this as an update to something below, but it's really worthy of its own post. From NBC News, an argument that Trump voters are violating the law and voting for Trump is probably unconstitutional.


  1. That argument was just a transparent transfer of voting for Obama because he was black to inferring that people voted for Trump because he was white. Look back at the campaign against Romney, and you could have applied the same argument if he had won in 2012.

  2. This happens but it's hard to credit any case that, happening, it represents a violation of the constitution. Consider a jury that acquits an accused because they think he, though guilty, represents other defendants who share a race who were innocent. (Yeah, OJ... ) Consider a jury that convicts based on sympathy for the weaker sex. (The fictional To Kill A Mockingbird case... where race AND sex had more weight than evidence or law.) If a jury vote, affecting one individual, is not unconstitutional then a political vote affecting broad groups, who ALSO vote, is not unconstitutional either.

    I take the opportunity to object to a definition of "identity politics" that claims it's related to chauvinism; a sense of racial superiority. I see the term more usefully describing the idea that, given a person's race, one can reliably infer his/her politics. Tell me you're black and I know how you feel about Vaping. Tell me you're Asian and I know what you want with Net Neutrality. Tell me you are a "boomer" and I say you have unrealistic expectations of standardized testing in the public schools. And if you are black or gay or old and happen to SURPRISE me with an unexpected political position, not in keeping with media stereotypes, well then you are a traitor to the great cause of "Social Justice" and "Intersectionality" in which all voters are, everywhere and always, merely representative members of their collective.

  3. If they really want to play the race card, I've pointed out other times the inherently racist nature of the Democratic Party and its current evolution, the Progressive-Democratic Party. I'm happy to have that...discussion...with this branch of the NLMSM.

    I see the term [identity politics] more usefully describing the idea that, given a person's race, one can reliably infer his/her politics.

    You're overthinking it, IMNSHO. Identity politics is just the racism of segregation brought forward into the 21st century: you can't do this because you're in this group, you can't do that because you're in that group, cultural appropriation, etc, etc, etc.

    Eric Hines

  4. What an absolute jerk.

  5. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Mister Orwell, please pick up the white courtesy phone for a message. Paging Mr. Orwell, Mr. George Orwell . . .


  6. Before we make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, I'd like to have a look at those symptoms again.
