That's me, "fringe thinker"

Somebody better shut me down.
“YouTube, Reddit and Facebook have allowed fringe thinkers to bypass traditional gatekeepers and reach millions of people directly.”
I'm shocked to learn that conservative argument "gets clicks by generating fear and outrage, not by appealing to reason." That would never happen on the left.

I like the term "anti-establishment conservative content." These days it turns out I get to be conservative and anti-establishment at the same time, a childhood dream fulfilled. This one's good, too:
Senior CNN Reporter Oliver Darcy says citizens resist his reporting because they “just won’t digest facts.”
You can believe me, because I never lie, and I'm always right!


  1. Fringe thinker, eh? Sounds dangerous.

  2. Senior CNN Reporter Oliver Darcy says citizens resist his reporting because they “just won’t digest facts.”

    But, of course. [T]he average American individual is morally and intellectually inadequate to serious and consistent conception of his responsibilities as a democrat.

    A view echoed and extended by today's Progressive-Democrats, including House Managers.

    Eric Hines

  3. And this fine Sunday morning, the NPR "news" show is featuring an effort to oppose non-personal messages over the WHATSAPP service...

    Legacy journalists hating competition.

  4. Ymar Sakar8:35 PM

    Fringe thinkers? Hrm... to me, these children are only slightly esoteric, reckless, and out of the box. The proof is when they talk to me and they get triggered.

    One of the detriments or benefits of having my perception and quantum processing is that it doea not matter how fringe your group is. They still dont like me roasting their sacred cows.

    Crystal readers? Yes. Flat earthers? Yes. Confed battle flag southerners? Oh yes. Leftists? Check. Maoists? Yes. Conservatives, libertarians, independents? 99% of humanity? Otw

  5. Ymar Sakar8:39 PM

    Oliver, you do not matter. Do you have 5 million followers in social media? 1 mil? 500k? Haha.

    Besides, reporters are usually paid puppets. The ap and reuters are the sources

  6. Ymar Sakar8:02 AM
