That’s Gonna Sting

A political ad that is more effective than most.


  1. Now he's just straight-up lying about whether he was really laughing at the fans, and not just the evil Trump himself. Long after his two guests quit attacking Trump directly and went into an extended riff about Trump's southern-accented "boomer rube demo" with they disdain for yore elitist grammar and yore maps and yore geography, Lemon was still snorting and cackling away.

    Now he insists everyone who knows him is aware that he never belittles people.

    Two things are interesting to me here: how much the "elitist" criticism stings these professional pundits, and how much Lemon fears this backlash, though it's not clear to me why he should. I mean, at MSNBC? This barely stands out. I should think they'd glory in it.

  2. Oops, I guess he's CNN, but same thing.

  3. raven6:47 PM

    Good ad. Nice to see some spears being thrown.

    These people invented the "baffle them with bullshit" approach.
    Try to boil down the essence of what they are saying and most of the time, there is nothing left. They are getting to the point they now have to invent words. Straight out of Alice. And then they say a person is stupid if they don't understand.
