Something else to investigate

From the Spectator:
Why, you may ask, is the Obama shadow government continuing its efforts to resurrect the atrocious and inexplicably deleterious Iran nuclear deal? The answer to that question may lie in the following May 8, 2018 Tweet by one Raman Ghavami (@Raman_Ghavami) which was made following Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal and imposition of trading sanctions. Citing the senior adviser to Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif, Ghavami’s Tweet reads in full as follows:
H.J. Ansari Zarif’s senior advisor: ‘If Europeans stop trading with Iran and don’t put pressure on US then we will reveal which western politicians and how much money they had received during nuclear negotiations to make #IranDeal happen.’ That would be interesting.
Can this be true? Were western politicians — including members of the Obama administration — paid by Iran to enter into the idiotic and dangerous Iran nuclear deal? Could this also explain why, as found by the Senate Permanent Committee on Investigations, the Obama administration lied to Congress to gain approval of the deal while it worked behind the scenes to allow Iran access to U.S. financial markets? Could it be that officials of the Obama administration were and continue to be motivated by Iranian payoffs to sell out America?


  1. Well, the Iranian advisor could be lying in order to sow dissension, and we shouldn't ignore that possibility. But it would not shock me to know that he was essentially correct. Surprise, yes; shock, no.

  2. Gringo5:07 PM

    I remember reading something like that last year.Is it true that certain pols in the West accepted Iranian bribe money? I wouldn't consider it impossible.

  3. ymarsakar8:33 AM

    Watching and supporting another "war" though. I provided sufficient background research that those who tend to look up original sources, will appreciate here. Far better than the debriefing acquired via wikipedia or main sewer media. There are critical details that are often left out.

  4. What, the Biden kid is on an Iranian oil-and-gas board?
