Paid your own loans back? You're a chump

PowerLine reports candidate Warren's "Joe the Plumber" moment.
The Hill notes that the man cited his friend who makes more money than he does and, instead of paying off his loans, bought a car and went on expensive vacations.
“I saved my money,” the man said. “He made more than I did. I worked a double shift, worked extra … so you’re laughing at me.”
Warren's riposte was devastating:
“No I’m not,” Warren responded.


  1. No, she's not laughing. She's deadly serious. He better hope she loses, because Joe the Plumber found out what happens when you confront a leftist who wins. The IRS went after him. #UNEXPECTEDLY

  2. To me- two things-
    -The first is he's awesome, and I hope he doesn't get Joe the Plumbered.
    -Second- she really exhibited *zero* sympathy or understanding. Hopefully that's the kiss of death in an election.

  3. As Glenn Reynolds says, the votes of people who didn't do the right thing are easier to buy.
