Not Benghazi

And all the President tweeted was a flag.


  1. Iraqi military commanders say three Katyusha rockets exploded nearby. Since Soleimani, et al., were coming from the airport, not going to it, I wonder if he was bringing those with him (for an attack on our embassy?). Though I also have to wonder why he'd need to bring these with him; surely the Popular Mobilization Forces would already have these.

    Also WaPo's original headline on their article on the shoot Airstrike at Baghdad airport kills Iran's most revered military leader, Qassem Soleimani, Iraqi has been...corrected.

    Eric Hines

  2. This is one of those "too plausible to fact-check" stories that's sourced only from Haaretz, so I'm not sure how seriously to take it, but the report is that the Obama administration not only discouraged Israel from killing Soleimani in 2015 but actually alerted Iran to Israel's plans.

  3. “Revered” is accurate, from Iran’s regime’s point of view. He was a holy warrior in their eyes, a man of tremendous prowess and with decades of success. Of our opponents, he was the one whose ability I most respected. It is good we no longer have to face him.

  4. Former President Obama admired him as well.

  5. I have the sneaking suspicion Grim and Fmr Pres Obama have different definitions of "respect" for Mr. Suleimani.

  6. I have the sneaking suspicion Grim and Fmr Pres Obama have different definitions of "respect" for Mr. Suleimani.

    It's the man's ability that Grim said he respects, not the man. There is a difference.

    I agree with his assessment: Suleiman was a disgusting thug who gave thuggery a bad name. But he was disturbingly good at what he did.

    And for all of you: it's ex-President Obama (D), and they are not our opponents; they are our enemies. Opponents are what sports teams have.

    Eric Hines

  7. I respect the office, not the man.

  8. Oh, he was our enemy. He was sure of that. That's where Obama's version of 'respecting him' went wrong: he respected the man's abilities too, but not his intentions. Obama thought he could buy Soleimani, and the Iran regime in general. He never respected them enough to believe they could be sincere in their moral vision.

    Many make this error about the Iranian regime. 'They don't really mean that they'll wipe Israel off the face of the earth if they get nukes,' professorial types proclaim, while Iran tests its missiles with that message scrawled down the sides -- in Hebrew.

    They mean it, and they're certain of it, and Soleimani was the best of them. It is good that he is dead, good for all of us. I wish we had more like him on our own side.

  9. ...the use of a nuclear bomb in Israel will leave nothing on the ground, whereas it will only damage the world of Islam.

    Rafsanjani, a former President of Iran and former Chairman of the Expediency Discernment Council of Iran, emphasizing the importance of nuclear weapons for Iran.

    This is what our Progressive-Democrats close their eyes to: they wouldn't do this, therefore no one would. It's textbook projection.

    Eric Hines

  10. Just as they do with everything else.

  11. ymarsakar2:48 AM

    I wish we had more like him on our own side.

    You would if American politicians would stop supporting the Cabal and all its evils.

    The politicians get away with only what the American people allow and ignore. Which is why the Pentagon, matter of fact due to recent audit fails, is still missing 21 Trillion USD.

    How many Deep State wars can be funded with 21 trillion? A lot more than the media ever told Amis.
