No More Peaceful Transfers of Power

Rep. Schiff confesses that there will be no acceptance that Trump "fairly" won the election later this year by members of his party.

What's stopping them from nominating someone besides Biden, if this Ukraine stuff is really such a big damage to Biden? There are plenty of other candidates, and no votes have yet been cast. There's no reason any of this Biden/Ukraine stuff should affect the November election at all. Run Bernie instead. Run Tulsi. Heck, run Yang. At least if he's called upon to defend America as President, he knows how to throw a fair axe.

Speaking of Tulsi, be sure to read her complaint suing Hillary Clinton for defamation. I suppose they won't be able to run her in November because of her questionable suicide.


  1. Schiff is weird. I'm not even sure if he's complaining that Trump will get Russia to stuff the ballot boxes with Trump votes, or that the impeachment-related focus on Biden family corruption will unfairly depress Biden votes. Maybe both?

    I'll never understand why the Ds picked this issue to impeach on. Seems like it has a built-in Biden-destruction device. You can't talk about the "illegal phone call" with the simplest-minded voter without drifting into the question of "but why was it terrible to try to investigate Biden in the first place?" The only answer is: "Because he was a political opponent, so shut up about his corruption." Which makes the average voter ask, "But wait: isn't Trump a political opponent, and aren't you investigating him? Even to the point of impeaching him?"

    A more sophisticated voter will go on to wonder: "Which is worse, asking a prosecutor to look into apparent wrongdoing admitted on videotape, or demanding that a prosecutor cook up a case, lie to get a wiretap, withhold exculpatory evidence, and engage in selective politically motivated illegal leaks?"

    I never expected the case to make sense as justice, but shouldn't it at least work as basic propaganda? I mean, they chose it. They could have obsessed about something else obscure and unproveable.

  2. I am deeply shocked and saddened to hear that Tulsi Gabbard will tragically cut off her own head while shaving in the next few months. If only we could have seen this terrible incident coming.

  3. Tex, I’m with you. I don’t understand why they picked this ground to fight on. It makes no sense to me.

  4. A good summary here:

    The D case avoids offering evidence for the assumption that there was no reasonable basis for a prosecutor to look into Biden's behavior in the Ukraine. Schiff simply repeats endlessly his own assumption that Trump's suspicion was an unfounded conspiracy theory. What evidence he does have is on ancillary issues: nothing on the core argument.

  5. The OP title says it all. And Elizabeth Warren promises it won't end with her victory in 2020.

    This will be no ordinary transition between administrations….

    She intends to set up a McCarthy-esque Justice Department Task Force with which to conduct her purge.

    Quoting from her scripture: Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the…Warren

    Eric Hines
