“Let A Hundred Flowers Bloom”

Nancy Pelosi channels Mao.
‘Absolutely total cooperation,’ Pelosi told reporters Friday when asked about the support she’s received from Democrats for withholding the articles. ‘We have 1,000 flowers blossoming beautifully in our caucus.’
Given what Mao did to the flowers after they blossomed, if I were one of her caucus I’d be reaching for my Buck knife.


  1. Your Buck knife. My Bowie and my pistol.

    Eric Hines

  2. I only have one Buck knife. If I’d said “Bowie” I’d have had further to distinguish which one I meant.

  3. (Also, I was playing off and Edward Abbey quote in the spirit of 60s political references. "I hate intellectual discussion. When I hear the words phenomenology or structuralism, I reach for my buck knife.")

  4. raven9:48 PM

    I reach for my E-tool. Dual function item.

  5. ymarsakar10:57 PM

    Those knives and pistols and Bowies didn't help Epstein though.

    If they want you... they know how.

    I auto react for the command method that talks to the angel of death that wiped out the Syrian army in a single night.

    That's way better than modern casualty rates or ancient casualty rates.
