Impersonal warfare

From Daniel McCarthy at the Spectator:
The outrage was hypocritical: drone strikes aerosolize wedding parties full of innocent people on a semi-regular basis, but the minute one takes out a general who had masterminded insurgency operations against US troops in a war zone, Congress suddenly has an attack of conscience. Like impeachment, this reveals more about the real character of the institution than a wise legislator would want known. Killing Soleimani, a man who deserved to die, was more controversial than ‘collateral damage’ in the form of civilian lives lost because Congress does not have the courage to question the underlying morality of the wars and prolonged occupations that are now a permanent feature of American foreign policy. What made Soleimani’s death so objectionable was that it was so unusual — so personal — when our political class likes to believe that war is now a science, to be conducted only as approved by the experts.


  1. The decision to see Soleimani not as a soldier — as he would have wished, and as he described himself— but as a “public official” is part of it. Who cares if people get killed, as long as high public officials dwell in safety?

  2. ymarsakar9:19 AM

    Not just a public official, but judging by Demoncrat and human reactions, a diplomat deserving of diplomatic immunity, they saw it as.

    Who cares if people get killed, as long as high public officials dwell in safety?

    That's not going to work with the gods of death and light.

    The celestial heavens, fate, and gods have already pre ordained the ends of the current system of Earth. There's nothing humans can do to stop it, not even if they try to start another world extinction event.

    There is also nothing the Cabal, Deep State, and their gods can do about it either. Why? Because my gods are stronger.

  3. ymarsakar9:22 AM

    The Deep State and generally their real name, the Cabal, can enslave all of humanity, and use hyper tech to suppress any rebellions for a very long time. What they cannot do, is to kill the gods, as much as their own gods wish it might be so in the war of light and darkness. They cannot be killed, which is ironic from both povs.

    It Does not Matter how many Ar 15 pea shooters you humans make for yourselves, or how many nuclear bombs you make. You will not be allowed to use them, as First Strike is a core principle of war. Besides, there is no need nor requirement, given infiltration successes.

  4. ymarsakar9:24 AM

    Who cares if people get killed, as long as high public officials dwell in safety?

    So why did Americans sanction the killing of Qaddafi? In itself a war crime against humanity and africa's prosperity.

    Americans are full of traitors and their slaves that obey the Orders of Treason. That's just how it is. Americans kill who they are told to kill. That is the role of a soldier, a serf, and a slave. There is nothing different, even now, as the System is still not dead. There's another System over that System however, so one must require different names for systems at this point.

    Things will, at certain points and locations, get darker before they get lighter. Such as the sun turning dark for 3 days, and we aren't talking about clouds or sun spots.

    It will get warmer, before it gets colder too.

  5. He was famous and made the news and Americans killed him. Those other, lesser people don't matter. Iraqi, Iranian, American - doesn't matter.
