If you're going to San Francisco

Be sure not to leave anything in your car.  "Inside Edition" journalists left bait on back seats with surveillance devices:
The “Inside Edition” crew used its tracker to find the thieves. They confronted the duo as they entered a train station.
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Eventually, the man abandoned the [tracking] speaker. “Inside Edition” then tracked the stolen purse to a garbage can.
But while all of this was going on, thieves broke into the crew’s car and stole the camera equipment. As a result, five million people won’t see either theft, and “Inside Edition” is out thousands of dollars worth of equipment.
San Francisco has a new prosecutor, Chesa Boudin. His parents are murderers and he was raised by the notorious radicals (and criminals) Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.


  1. People will just have to be vigilant...

  2. Assuming that in practice vigilance isn't prosecuted.

  3. Ymar Sakar8:19 PM


    One of the things that may cause grim to have noticed the flaws in psychiatry fields

  4. My son lives in San Francisco. We are going out there soon for his wedding. We were cautioned not only to not leave anything visible in the car; we were also cautioned not to be seen putting anything in the trunk. If we are seen taking something out of the car and putting it into the trunk the odds are non-infinitesimal that thieves will break into the trunk and take anything that is in there regardless of value.
