Harsh but fair

Speaking of the Tim Cook of terror--the best shorthand I've heard in a long time for second-rate pseudolegacies--here is Kurt Schlichter's assessment of the Democrat presidential field.  He thinks the nod definitely goes to Biden, but is less sure of the VP slot.
[M]aybe Biden will pick him for VP – if so, I’ve got $10 that says Smart Joe will get caught on tape at a rally explaining to disappointed feminists that, “Well, a gay guy counts as a woman, right?” You know that will totally happen.


  1. I'm a broken record on this but I see a lot of the dynamic of the 2016 GOP race in the current Democrat contest. Biden benefits from the same circumstances that Trump did. He entered late and unexpectedly, saving him from some measure of attacks in the early going. The Ukraine mess has given him lots of free publicity, the same way the endless Trump controversies did in 2015. He is a weak front runner that everyone assumes is going to gaffee his way out of the race. The other candidates have observed the dynamic that anyone who lands a successful attack usually manages to alienate their own supporters without convincing anyone to join them so they are, generally, holding fire on Biden in anticipation of that failure. If that failure doesn't come, he outperforms in Iowa and New Hampshire, and then wins in South Carolina, he's going to be hard to beat.

  2. I think it's hard to understate how important the Ukraine focus of the House impeachment theater has been for Biden. The only way the narrative of these theatrics was remotely plausible was if Biden was a likely -- probable -- nay, the presumptive Democratic nominee for President in 2020. Otherwise, it's just "Hey, what this dude did kind of looks like corruption, would you work with my Attorney General to conduct an investigation?"

    The media, being almost universally committed to a Democratic victory in 2020, has therefore fallen in on treating Biden as the presumptive nominee. The rest of the Democrats who might have been serious contenders but who have stayed out tend to keep staying out in order to maintain the illusion that Biden is a uniquely strong candidate who was already almost certain to win.

    And the longer the impeachment show plays on, the longer they have to keep pretending that he is just exactly that.

    At some point, the danger to them is that the pretense that he is will become the reality that he is, and they'll have passed up much stronger candidates. Plus, they're putting off the bloodletting they're going to face from the Left, who are going to fight hard for Bernie and/or Warren, to a time closer and closer to the general election. The longer that goes on, the harder it will be for the losing side to come back home on general election day.
