Good Job, Virginia

Today's "Lobby Day" rally by the Virginia Citizens Defense League, joined by at least ten thousand others, was peaceful and patriotic.

Hopefully the message was received.

UPDATE: BB: Tragedy when no violence in occurs at rally.


  1. Other-skinned protesters cruelly mocked the "White Supremacist" fearmongering. Further tragedy ensued when the protesters cleaned up all their own trash.

  2. VCDL’s email estimates crowd size at 30-50K. I read an estimate elsewhere that 16,000 people showed up with rifles. That’s a division-sized citizen militia. The whole Virginia Army National Guard is less than half that size.

    Of course if it came to conflict training and logistics would become crucial. Still, in avoiding conflict sometimes a show of resolve can be useful.

  3. If nothing else, I think the high proportion of armed citizens deterred troublemakers like Antifa.

  4. Antifa said they were going to come, actually, because they generally agree that new gun control laws are a bad idea. They think such laws will tend to be enforced against the poor and minority groups, and as such wrongly empower police.

    But as it turns out, they didn't show up -- not at least as a group.

  5. raven2:05 PM

    Same scene in WA- the Dems took control of both houses and governor, with all of them on a gun control bandwagon- something like 50 plus new gun bills , all of which I expect to become law, and make felons out of half the states population..

    I moved here when I was 18, and can remember when it was a free state. Now it is becoming California north, and all the leftists in Seattle are so proud they are not Californians.

    It is not a crime issue at all, although that is the way it is played- it is a cultural attack on conservatives, probably designed along the lines of the Curley Effect.
    What could be better than to drive your political opponents out of your voting district, and if they stay, criminalize them?
