Dalia al-Aqidi

This is quite a video.

She's running against Rep. Ilhan Omar, who is in the Democrat +26 5th District of Minnesota. You might think her appeal to patriotism as herself also a Muslim female refugee might be wise, as Omar is frequently criticized for her open disdain for the culture and nation that took her in and raised her to power. However, you probably wouldn't expect her to tie herself so visibly to the American military, nor to repeatedly praise "my President."

It's an interesting strategy given the terrain. We'll see if it pays off for her. In any case, you should learn her name. My guess is she'll be around.


  1. Good video. Good luck, Al-Aqidi.

  2. Funnily enough, there is no reference to party affiliation anywhere that I could find, on her website. At other sites, she is referred to as a Republican.

  3. It may not be helpful to mention party in this election. But then again, she mentioned the President.

  4. Ballotpedia has her on the Republican ballot for the 2 June primary election.

    Eric Hines

  5. I'm not against this trend of pitching your values instead of your party. She looks like a great candidate.

  6. Precisely. I concluded it's intentional because she is campaigning in a strongly Democratic district and trying to attract alignment on the basis of her immigrant Muslim-but-patriotic status. I think it's pretty shrewd, and it might be that the strategy is to make the competing candidates point it out, thus in a way reinforcing the immigrant Muslim patriot connection.

  7. ...it might be that the strategy is to make the competing candidates point it out....

    It also would expose them to charges of putting party ahead of policy or constituents.

    Eric Hines
