BB: Methodists Split Over Remaining Christian

Apparently a tough choice.
“There was just no way to reconcile differences,” said Rev. Lloyd Patrick, one of those dismayed by the recent push by traditionalists to follow the Bible instead of each person’s own heart. “A lot of people still want to follow Jesus -- a person from 2000 years ago who made no statements about pronouns and thus has no relevance today -- which is just silly since we all know so much more now and have a better grasp on morality than a bunch of ancient people.”


  1. The short version of this story is that the White Methodists of the United States are kicking out the Black Methodists from the rest of the world -- and the Whites are keeping the buildings, pension funds, and other assets.

    This, after a vote was taken according to century old rules about how to decide controversies. The R.O.W )(rest of the world) P.O.C. (people of color) allied with the minority US traditionalists, and outvoted the White progressives.

    And Progressives have never allowed voting to stand in the way of progress.

  2. J, very apt description.

    The details of the dissolution plan are going to be interesting. The progressives will clearly want to take all UMC congregations in the US out en bloc. They will do everything they can to block a congregation by congregation vote. I'm sure they know that the LGBT-ei-ei-o contingent is not viable on its own.

  3. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Nothing is set until after the General Confrence. Until then, anything goes as far as rumor, reporting, and he-said-she-said. Committees and other groups will make reports and recommendations, but for a denomination-wide decision, the final say comes down to the Conference.

    I know the Bee is half-joking, but I'm a Methodist, and my congregation isn't really happy about all the speculation and fuss-and-feathers in the media about what really ought to be more private.


  4. LittleRed1 - my son went to Asbury and has worked at UMC churches since 2006, currently in Houston. This is going to hit Methodists hard.

    The Bee is responding to the news stories that are coming out about the actual signed agreement that 16 leaders have announced, national and international, pro gay-marriage and anti. It is not binding in any way, but the people chosen are major players. They are the ones who are putting this out before the public. The BB isn't breaking any secrets here.

  5. Anonymous5:38 PM

    AVI, I know that the Bee isn't "breaking any secrets." I'm just really irked by everyone outside the church assuming that everything is a done deal already, and all that's needed is to put the "for sale" sign in the churchyard. Yes, those are important people, and yes, they are making their stances and points clear. But again, surprises happen.

