A Carol to Celebrate the Epiphany

Just thought a carol would be appropriate to celebrate today, the Epiphany.  Allison Kraus and Yo-Yo Ma doing the Wexford Carol, for your enjoyment:


  1. Watch and hear the bagpipe.

  2. ymarsakar8:31 AM


  3. That's one of my very favorites - thanks :)

    Here's another singer I love - Connie Dover:


    Grim, I know you love Celtic tunes - here's her Lady Keith's Lament. Sends shivers down my spine (in a good way):


    I may sit in my wee old house
    At the spinning wheel to toil so dreary
    I may think of a day that is gone
    And sigh and some till I grow weary
    I ne'er could brook I ne'er could brook
    A foreign king to own or flatter
    And I will sing a ranting song
    The day our king comes o'er the water

    I have seen the good old day
    The day of pride and chieftain's glory
    When royal Stuart held the sway
    And none heard tell of Whig or Tory
    Though silver be my hair one day
    And age has struck me down what matter
    I'll dance and sing the happy day
    The day our king comes o'er the water
