To give a little context

Below is the map of counties and independent cities that have elected to declare that they will enforce no law that is in contradiction with the 2nd Amendment of the United States of America.  That's a lot of blue (not blue for Democrats in this case).  To add even more context, that's 93 of the 133 counties and independent cities that make up the Commonwealth of Virginia.  That's 70% of the State, so far.  And of the remaining 40, only five have said "we fear guns more than we love our rights".


  1. I have no idea why the text is blue. Let's just call it a tribute to the Counties and Independent Cities in Virginia that value their freedom.

  2. ColoComment11:27 AM

    White text on black is hard enough on these old eyes. Fluorescent blue on black is downright cruel and unusual. : (

  3. ColoComment11:29 AM

    Ahhh, if I highlight the text it becomes white on a lighter blue. Much better. : )

  4. Sorry, like I said, I'm not even particularly sure how it became blue.

  5. Random click on the text color icon? Easily fixed, if you want to.

  6. It's 'more than 70% of the state' by percentage of county governments. By land area, it's the vast majority of the state. The urban areas are going to have to ask themselves if they really have the resources to effect such a policy on that huge area, much of which is swampy, forested, hilly, or mountainous.

    The introduction of legislation firing police officers who refuse to enforce the law is a non-starter, it turns out, because the sheriff's deputies are not 'police officers' under state law. They don't work for the legislature, they work for the independently-elected sheriff, who deputized them.

    Calling out the National Guard is likely to be ineffective both because the National Guard is mostly made up of guys who oppose the policy, and also because the President can simply order the VA Guard into Federal service (and thus remove them from the Governor's grasp). This mirrors the nationalization of the Guard during the last big Civil Rights era, when governors would try to use the Guard to enforce segregation. Can't do it; and if necessary, the 82nd Airborne (also in national service) can be sent to ensure that local laws are respected.

    They're going to lose this round, but it'll still be a major lesson in whether or not a sane polity can hand control to them.

  7. I think the very fact that they immediately reached for the "we'll call out the National Guard" is extremely telling as to their attitude. As always, the politicians expect the peons to do their bidding, and when law-enforcement and municipalities stand up to them, their gut instinct is to threaten to use force (and expect that decree will be obeyed.

    Everytime confiscation/gun bans come up, when asked "will you go door to door to collect them?" The answer is invariably "no". And the people they expect to go door to door (i.e. the rank and file law enforcement officers) show a remarkable reluctance to do so. And with good reason.

    I personally would love for the VCDL to some out with a slogan, "Sic Semper Tyrannis is not just some words in Latin; it's a warning." But I guess that would be too "provocative".

  8. raven4:02 PM

    "Calling out the National Guard is likely to be ineffective"

    It will be extremely effective -in sending the signal. No sane person wants a war.
    But calling out the US Military to do arms confiscation in blatant violation of the Constitution is an absolutely unequivocal statement that it is time to start fighting.

  9. They'll never "go door-to-door".

    They will cherry pick the tallest poppies and weakest links, gradually working their way up. They are exactly Like fascists sneaking up on Martin Niemöller.

    First they attack the Branch Davidians or some religious weirdos accused (by OTHER, apostate, religious weirdos) of making hand grenades and machine guns. Then they go after "dangerous weapons" in the hands and homes of "convicted criminals" who have DWIs, or issued bad checks, or failed to appear on a municipal warrant for zoning violations. They'll monitor ammunition purchases then make unannounced visits "requesting" to inspect the "safe storage" of such " large quantities of hazardous material" in "residentially zoned communities". Those who own both homes and guns who don't voluntarily open up to such requests, demonstrate "common sense / good faith" safety provisions, and otherwise show off locked steel boxes, trigger guards, and all the latest fashionable and politically correct material virtue signals will be on "watch lists" for more rigorous and intrusive measures to come.

    The enforcers, using "data-driven policing" techniques and "broken window" area enforcement will cross reference recent gun purchasers to vehicle registration records. Then they'll look for gun-owners' license-plates in automobiles transiting "gun free zones" (which are also vehicular "speed traps" school zones. ) Get pulled over for doing 24 m.p.h. in a 20 m.p.h. school zone, and be asked to volunteer and choose to have your can inspected on the spot or impounded and searched "downtown." Have a pistol in the glovebox or trunk, in the speeding car caught in a gun-free zone? Well, the courts will reserve a date to hear your side of that story, sometime a year or so from now. Meanwhile, that pistol remains in police custody.

    Don't assume the Evil Overlords in real life are stupid. And don't assume the silent majority will be eager to jump to the defense of the religious weirdos, apocalyptic preppers; reckless drivers and other gun-owners demonized during the press coverage of the confiscation sequence.

  10. They seem to have woken the citizens of Virginia. No law has yet been passed, and already the VCDL has appeared and gotten 93 of 133 counties and independent cities to sign on to a pledge not to enforce any law that violates the 2nd Amendment. And I'm pretty sure if Gov. Northman were so stupid as to call the National Guard to arrest law enforcement officers for failing to uphold his laws, that those cities and counties would not wait for the Guard to show up in their offices before reacting. Assuming the Guard themselves didn't tell the Governor to pound sand.

    One of my favorite responses from one County Sheriff was if they did pass a law forbidding AR-15s in the hands of citizens, he'd deputize every eligible (i.e. non-felon) man and woman in the county, thus making them "law enforcement officials" and exempt from the law.

  11. Details here:

  12. "And don't assume the silent majority will be eager to jump to the defense of the religious weirdos, apocalyptic preppers; reckless drivers and other gun-owners demonized during the press coverage of the confiscation sequence."

    Don't you think we're well beyond that point? These are a vast majority of *elected* Sheriffs. That suggests popular support, at least in those areas. I realize the population may be concentrated in the little red areas to the point of it not being a simple majority, but it's certainly past the few canaries in the coal mine, I think.

  13. If we get thousands of new volunteer deputies as well as local militias, the state may begin questioning the wisdom of its aggressive approach.

  14. And don't assume the silent majority will be eager to jump to the defense of the religious weirdos, apocalyptic preppers; reckless drivers and other gun-owners demonized during the press coverage of the confiscation sequence.

    I'm not sure I'd want that handicap "helping" me, anyway. They'd be better off, and my mission better accomplished, with them enthusiastically exercising their apathy.

    Eric Hines

  15. ymarsakar6:30 AM

    Grim, the State will begin questioning the wisdom of their X, when they die.

    Death, in this sense, is useful.

    The problem, of course, is that war create so much fear, that that is exactly what the cannonfodder were designed to incite. This entire "conflict" is just some shadow horse stalking of the gods (both the good and the evil).

    J Melcher is rather pessimistic and while I do not agree with all his points, that level of awareness of not underestimating the enemy, is exactly what I have been repeating online all these years. Don't underestimate the Leftist alliance. Also, don't underestimate the ones using the Leftist alliance as cannon fodder. It doesn't matter who wins a war. You all lose and are weakened, ready for the Critical Killing blow from a place you never expected.

    Ruby Ridge, Waco 1, Waco 2, even what people call the Mormons, were selectively targeted by the US feds at one time or another.

  16. ymarsakar6:35 AM

    I am not interested in fighting a war. I am interesting in obliterating off the face of this Earth ascension plane, what does not belong here. If that means 3 billion humans must be exiled or disappeared... well, that is how the gods decree the fate of humanity.

    It is not all that bad. Compared to what? Compared to pedos and child traffickers running your country. Is that preferable to a war? It has been, for many centuries.

    There is a big difference between preppers and survivalists, vs Ymar.

    I am not interested in fighting. Death is not interested in fighting. Obliteration is not interested in you having a "fight" with us. So how do we fight? Well, that's an interesting question. You "fight" because you are losing or weak. You lack the power to exile these rivals of yours from this plane of existence. You lack the WILLPOWER to do so even. You lack the RESOURCES to do so. You may win against DC corrupted Virginia State but... Virginia State ain't even 1% of the Deep State.

    America and humanity, is dealing with forces beyond their comprehension. But that is about to end soon enough. This ending is not a sadness, but a beginning. And it is about time for the harvest to conclude anyways.

  17. ymarsakar6:42 AM

    Calling out the National Guard is likely to be ineffective

    What did Hussein say about a civilian force as powerful as the US military?

    Btw, have you guys tracked down where the Pentagon's missing 2.1+ trillion went?

    And that was before Hussein took power in the WH. The Obamanation=Abomination. The White House= the Black Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

    My point is not that these civilians are all that powerful. They can be easily killed. That's not the point. For people that understand the reality of god like power and wars, the winners are not who you might expect.
