They've never heard of it either

The Bee:  Trump's popularity surges as nation discovers he obstructed Congress.


  1. “Contempt of Congress” is looking less like a crime and more like the moral duty of every American.

  2. As the Bee says, if he really wants to boost his numbers he should try obstructing the judicial and executive branches as well.

  3. Trump already is obstructing the Judicial Branch, Tex99. Look at all those evil, dysfunctional textualists he's getting appointed to the district courts, appellate circuits, and Supreme Court. And it's appearing increasingly possible that he'll get one more obstructive Justice, too, to set back Roberts.

    And, to hear denizens of the "interagency coordination" facility lionized by no less a light that Fiona "Quite Cross" Hill tell it, he's busily obstructing the Executive Branch, as well.

    I'm surprised the Bee missed that.

    Eric Hines
