
So this post has two proximate causes, neither of which I had intended to have anything to do with the other, but together, they made it irresistible for me to post this.  First, back in October, in my Facebook memories there was a post where I had asked two of my veterinarian friends if cats had knees, elbows, or something else entirely.  I received back the technical answer (two knees, and two elbows, but the knees are officially called "stifles"), but for the life of me, I could not recall what in the world prompted me to ever ask such a thing.

Second, in following a link from Grim's post on the Feast of the Holy Family, I found myself reading other old posts.  In the course of doing so, I ran across a story that linked back to Cassandra's blog Villainous Company.  And from there, I started going through the archives.  In there, I found this post.  And suddenly, I remembered the whole discussion from five years in the past.

I had forgotten exactly how much I missed Cass' blog.  It wasn't that the discourse was "better" than it is in the Hall, it was just different.  The discussions there were wide ranging, mostly due to Cass' choices in topic selection, and there was a funny, friendly banter to it all.  I still miss it.

Maybe I'm getting maudlin in my age.  I don't know.  But if you're still lurking Cass, I think the world could use more of your wit and wisdom.  Anyhow... back to getting all misty eyed in the archives.


  1. She had talked about taking the old site down. We convinced her to leave it up so we could revisit old discussions like that. Thanks for providing a living example.

  2. I do recall "Villanous Company" and do miss it much. Was not Cass around here a short while back?

  3. She has been. I imagine she was just with family for the holiday. She’ll probably drop back in soon.

    If she doesn’t respond to the plea to re-open VC, well, she has long had posting privileges here. If she’d like to post occasionally rather than taking on the responsibility of running a blog, it’s no problem if she’d like to resuming posting at the Hall whenever she’d like.

  4. The *real* question is whether chickens have lips :p

    Grim is correct that I've been spending time with the GrandPunks, but also fighting off the crud (chest cold) they brought with them. But I was very touched to see this, Mike. I miss writing (but more, talking with you all).

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

    Right now, the site doesn't work. So I would have to do some work to figure out what the problem is. Sorry - I'm kind of in a hurry right now (first day everyone's back at work, and have end of month reporting to do). But will stop back when I'm caught up at work!

    Hope you all had a very merry Christmas and happy new year! The Unit and I are exhausted but happy after having both sets of kids and their progeny (and my Mom!) for Christmas. The patio is still full of sad toys and stuffed animals are pretty much all over the house.

    Happy chaos.
