Religion is the Opiate of the Masses said Marx, anyway. So how do you rewrite the Bible and the Quran to avoid contradicting socialism?
China will rewrite the Bible and Quran to 'reflect socialist values' amid crackdown on the country's religious groups, a report has revealed.

New editions must not contain any content that goes against the beliefs of the Communist Party, according to a top party official. Paragraphs deemed wrong by the censors will be amended or re-translated.
Like every paragraph violates the beliefs of the Communist Party, which belief system is called "scientific atheism." There was a formal school for training people in it at the university we lived at while living in China.


  1. I look forward to seeing Progressives stride the fence between hailing the revision of the Bible and execrating the revision of the Quran.

  2. So far, the response to the genocide against the Uighur has been studious ignorance. Not just among Progressives, but also among many Muslim governments who value Chinese investment. I’ll be interested to see if they can continue making vaguely supportive noises once their holy text is being rewritten.

  3. Likely, every word will need to be translated, including "and" and "the."

    An Arsenal soccer player called out his fellow Muslims for their silence on the abuse of the Uighurs. His team promptly distanced themselves from him, as did the Premier League. Still, the opprobrium against him was not nearly as vociferous or widespread as that against the Houston Rockets' GM regarding the situation in Hong Kong.

    Sadly, the hypocrisy, loud everywhere, is especially so here in the US.

    Eric Hines
