Realization dawns

I'm starting to conclude that Adam Schiff has been lying about, well, everything, all along.  As in practically every word out of his mouth, for years now.  Not just judgment calls, but bright-line facts.


  1. It's starting to look that way.

  2. Hugh Hewitt had on Former Congressman John Campbell, and he told a story about how years ago, they both appeared on a SoCal PBS show where they debated issues of the day. Campbell would make some point that he knew he had factual backing for, and Schiff would refute it with something, and Campbell would ask staff to check it later, and it they couldn't find what Schiff was referring to. After a while of this consistently happening, Campbell came to the determination that Schiff was simply making stuff up, whatever he needed in the moment to win a point. Said he basically never tells the truth.

    I immediately tried to find a clip of that segment, but couldn't. Wish I had. It was rather illustrative, especially if you understand how reluctant members of the club are to call out a fellow member like that.

  3. Everyone who poo-pooed the Nunes report in favor of Schiff's passel of lies ought to be forced to make a public apology.

  4. He will do it until he is forced not to by being publicly caught out and censured.

    It is increasingly clear that they live in a world of words where facts matter less than spin, not just as a political matter, but in their actual thinking. We forget that con artists come to believe their own lies fairly quickly and thoroughly.

  5. Everyone who poo-pooed the Nunes report in favor of Schiff's passel of lies ought to be forced to make a public apology.

    I have no interest in their apology; it would be no more than another of their lies. Their words will become believable after--not sooner--their behavior has measurably changed and for long enough that the change can be relied on.

    He [Schiff] will do it until he is forced not to by being publicly caught out and censured.

    Censure him--ideally, expel him from Congress with the addendum of banning him from Federal elective office--certainly, but I have more productive uses for my time than spending some on hearing his words of "apology," even were his mouth to say the structurally correct form that I harp on. But even then, Schiff will go on lying. He can do no other.

    Eric Hines
