Maybe not a bad trade-off

From Jim Geraghty:
It’s not hard to find analysts, usually Trump-leaning, scoffing and confidently predicting that the Democrats will not pass a single article of impeachment. That scenario is hard to envision. The House not impeaching Trump after all of this would set off a civil war within the Democratic party. That scenario would require 15 House Democrats to quietly and privately go to Nancy Pelosi and tell her they can’t vote for impeachment. Only two House Democrats voted against starting the inquiry. Recall that about ten years ago, a lot of House Democrats voted for Obamacare, knowing it would probably cost them their seats; back then, support for Obamacare was lower than the current support for impeachment, around 40 percent in most polls. When the Democratic party really wants to pass legislation, its leaders can make legislators take votes that will end their careers in order to get something passed.


  1. Remember that Democratic Senators refused to even cross the street to look at the evidence against Bill Clinton in 1998.

    It is better for all of us to live in a society where we give the other guy credit for good will and honest disagreement as much as possible. I find this difficult, and this is why.

  2. Kavanaugh's hearings are another reason to doubt good will and honest faith. Or for that matter, SNL's portrayal of Tulsi Gabbard as the 'designated villain' because she's willing to go against the designated frontrunner -- who quit today, I notice.

  3. The SNL skit was funny.
