Grim Will Want to See This!

According to America's Paper of Record:

LOS ANGELES, CA—Classic historical drama film Braveheart is receiving a reboot by Paramount Pictures next year, this time with an all-female cast.

Lena Dunham will play the starring role of Willow Wallace, a "fierce Scottish she-warrior who don't need no man."

Co-stars include Melissa McCarthy, Amy Schumer, and Beyonce ...
The accompanying photo ... um, won't scar you too much.


  1. I wish it were true. I would buy lots of popcorn and go to that one. It's the one thing I can think of that would be funnier than a Muppets Braveheart.

    It should have the heart symbol in the title.

  2. I was going to say that no one could make a less historically accurate version than Mel Gibson did, but I see that I was wrong to have that thought.

  3. If it's Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham then they need to re-vamp things a little more in line with, shall we say, their earthy low comedy. How about "Bray - Fart?"
