Feast of the Holy Family

Do all these continual feasts seem, er, 'problematic'? The early Medieval church thought so as well.


  1. I also note that they eventually stopped being concerned about it. I think the big thing is they didn't like all the drunkenness and debauchery which reminded them too strongly of the pagan celebrations that the Early Church had co-opted.

    What I found most interesting is that the US seems alone in the Western world as having shed popular celebrations of the Twelve Days except as a purely religious practice.

  2. Indeed. But we also have incorporated a large part of Advent into “the Christmas season,” so the length of secular celebration is probably similar.

  3. Well depending on how you define the "Christmas Season" it can go on quite a bit. There were stores putting up Christmas displays before Halloween.

    Personally I'm in the "one holiday at a time" camp, and think Christmas music before Thanksgiving is a faux pas.

  4. I would prefer that Advent be Advent and then have 12 days of Christmas. My wife and I have made attempts at that over the years, forcing the poor children to go along with it. Even the Romanians, who had come from a culture where that was normal, were Americanised within 18 months and wanted the Christmas Season to be the lead in to Dec 25, with everything being wrapped up by the weekend after, however that fell.

    We decided to pick other hills to die on.
