Everything's A Problem, Ph.D.


  1. The bad guy was dead with a pistol shot to the head from about 30-40 feet away within a couple of seconds after he shot two guys (security guards?), killing one and critically wounding the other. From the video, it looked to me like security guards had identified him as a problem but weren't sure he was armed until he pulled out his shotgun and started shooting.

    If the men in the church hadn't been armed, he'd have had time to shoot a lot more people before someone stopped him. It's just too bad one of the armed guys wasn't able to drop him the instant he pulled out his gun, since it appears they already were focused on him.

    The idea that anyone can turn this into a story about people overreacting to a gunman amazes me.

  2. "I am just disturbed all around."

    He's not wrong about that.

  3. Classical reference, as the Instapundit crew says:


  4. I am also disturbed that...[churchgoers] had their guns on their person while in church.

    Apparently Ms Phiggs (her phd plainly was a mail-order paper) would have preferred the sheep meekly let themselves be slaughtered in windrows while waiting for the police to arrive. She plainly believes churches are more properly slaughterhouses.

    Eric Hines

  5. 80% white suburb? So, just like America. Why is 80% white 'problematic'?

  6. I'm going to guess that Shantell doesn't live in Texas, from the gob-smacked realization that there are frequently citizens among us carrying concealed weapons on their actual person, I mean touching their bodies and everything. Ones that they can and will aim and shoot with on a moment's notice. At least six in that one congregation.

    Imagine what might happen if you tried to disarm a whole rural population?

  7. Jack Wilson, the armed member of the congregation who held the non-eelbrain body count to two with an incredible medium-distance pistol shot under pressure, is a candidate for County Commissioner in Hood County, with three opponents. He's a full-throated Trump and NRA supporter. I guess he's getting ready for a tsunami of abuse as the press tries to figure out how to demonize him. So far I'm mostly seeing arguments that it's all very well for a highly-trained individual to have a gun, but the rest of you yahoos should still give up on the 2d Amendment. Within 24 hours, I expect the headlines to start reading "White Settlement Trump/NRA Oathkeeper partisan kills mentally ill victim during alarming religious ritual." But I still think the guy's going to win his election.

  8. The gunman turns out to have been a garden-variety lowlife with a rap sheet 20 years long, containing a lot of petty crime and assault. Well known in a number of states, but not high on anyone's list as a public menace.

  9. Shantel must not actually discuss things with people much. Seems like a bubble-person. She doesn't think the police should be allowed to shoot anyone "to death," meaning, she has neither thought through many difficult situations nor discussed this with anyone who has. 80% white, about 13% of that Hispanic 4% African-American, is just a little different from national norms. I'm guessing she doesn't go to church and hasn't thought that one through either.

  10. https://shantelgbuggs.com/

    Sociology Professor

  11. Her educational career is all Southern, though: Texas, North Carolina and Florida State. If she’s sheltered with that background, she’s worked for it.

  12. Gringo9:58 PM

    Her educational career is all Southern, though: Texas, North Carolina and Florida State. If she’s sheltered with that background, she’s worked for it.

    North or south, college or university campuses are lefty bubbles. I don't say "liberal bubbles," because most of those considered liberal 40-50 years ago would today be tarred and feathered on campuses for being deplorable/fascist/etc.

    Sociology departments, then and now, are extreme examples of the bubble experience.

  13. She'd probably be rather surprised to find out that the town was named *by the Native Americans* when the white settlers started coming. You knew there were going to be those triggered just by the town name.

  14. Truly, I was not too surprised that this was her first objection. ‘Like, why hasn’t every “White” town been renamed already? Don’t they know it’s 2019?’
