Eek part deux

As Glen Reynolds like to say, why is the Democratic primary system such a cesspool of racism and sexism?  Apparently Kamala Harris never had a chance of winning the Democratic party presidential nomination in "Trump's America."  I had no idea Trump had succeeded in co-opting the frantically partisan left wing of the Democratic party.  The man is a legend.  Speaking of which,


  1. This is a good example of how liberals substitute reading the social landscape for logical thinking. They have this feeling about the world being bad for black people and women, and this seems especially prominent to them among Trump supporters. Therefore, when something unfair happens to a black woman, they immediately conclude, without passing the idea through any logical circuits whatsoever, that Trump and his supporters must be the cause.

  2. I'm waiting for the Racism hue and cry when Senator Spartacus drops out. He's the one, recall, who called Lately Bloomberg a racist for saying Booker was well-spoken--because complimenting someone for being an articulate speaker in a decades- if not centuries-long period of Americans, including our politicians, being lousy speakers along a host of dimensions is somehow singling out a particular group of specifically-hued Americans. Never mind, either, that "well-spoken" has been used over all that period to single out those few who were and are...well-spoken.

    As if Booker's using skin color as the first and primary distinguishing characteristic, above merit or character, isn't racist.

    Martin Luther King is rolling in his grave and could be no Progressive-Democrat today, even though he was once a Democrat.

    Eric Hines

  3. 'She had to know she couldn't win,' the author concludes. Really, it's an amazing article. For the most part I hesitate to even summarize what the author said because her thoughts would sound so intolerable coming from me.
