Down the memory hole

Embedded in this South Carolina article is a video of a CNN video of an interview Friday morning with House Majority Whip Clyburn saying he won't "whip" a vote on impeachment. Oddly enough, CNN has scrubbed both the Clyburn video and its transcript from its website. Links from other sites now show up as broken. A search on the CNN site turns up nothing for any Clyburn interview in the last few days or any article mentioning Clyburn and impeachment this month. The video link embedded above is a "share" from a Washington Examiner article, but I can't embed it because noting I can do will call it up from a YouTube search bar. I'll be interested to see if the link continues working.

Come to think of it, has anyone done a wellness check on Clyburn since Friday?

The interview suggests that Clyburn has recently noticed that impeachment might be divisive. Shoot, if the Ds had known that I'm sure they'd never have pursued it in the first place.


  1. I think you mean House Majority Whip Clyburn. Even though in hindsight that's obviously what you meant, it took me a minute to figure it out. I was worried I'd woken up in an alternate universe.

  2. The original wasn't far wrong. Clyburn is a member of a minority grouping, and the Progressive-Democrats have decided that race and gender are the primary, defining characteristics of a man.

    Eric Hines

  3. Back in September Steny Hoyer wasn't sounding so positive about impeachment either. His public statements have changed but it's at least some evidence that there's a degree of dissension in the ranks.

  4. From Marc Thiessen: "Pelosi isn’t stupid. She would not have announced a vote on articles of impeachment if she didn’t believe she had the votes. But while she can strong-arm the moderates in her caucus, she can’t strong-arm the voters in their districts."

    At least, not yet!

  5. ymarsakar12:07 AM

    PillowC is merely obeying orders. Like the Roman legion that crucified one Yeshua of Nazareth.
